December 06, 2024
Made for advice®
See why financial advisors have been partnering with NCM Investments since 1999

We are independent
Founded in 1999, NCM Investments is headquartered in Calgary with a presence across Canada. We are employee-owned and invest our own money right alongside our clients. Although we manage more than $1 billion, not everybody knows about us and we are often first to reach out to the financial advisors who partner with us.

We have helped advisors guide their clients through decades of market cycles and world events
We invest differently
Our portfolio managers invest with conviction and have a history of adding value relative to their benchmarks and their peers. NCM Investments has been recognized with numerous industry awards and accolades across multiple investment mandates.
We look nothing like the index
Our funds have 84% Active Share on average.
That means we only overlap the index by 16%.

We look nothing like our peers
Other funds have 386 holdings and 22.4% overlap with their peers on average.
Our funds have less than 50 holdings and as little as 2.% overlap with our peers.
(See footnotes at bottom of page)

We are active managers who contrast and complement the mainstream mutual funds and ETFs
We deliver results
Our funds have consistently generated the growth, income and capital protection that keep clients happy. We are some of the best dividend investors in Canada and invented the industry’s first and only flat management fee program.

Our solutions help you strengthen, diversify, and differentiate your portfolios
Ready to explore a partnership?
Give us a ring at (403) 531-2650 or drop us a line at

The contents of this page are intended for information purposes only and should not be considered an advertisement or offer to sell or solicitation to buy any securities in any jurisdiction. Mutual fund shares or units of NCM Investments are offered for sale by way of prospectus in all provinces and territories of Canada. Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with mutual fund investments. Mutual fund securities are not guaranteed, their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated. Please read the NCM Investments prospectus before investing.
Holdings overlap of other funds based on the the largest 100 funds covered by Morningstar with full holdings data. Holdings overlap of our funds based on NCM Income Growth Class compared to the 10 largest funds in the Canadian Equity Balanced peer group.
The Kipling Funds are only available for sale to investors who meet the definition of “accredited investor” as set forth in National Instrument 45-106 Prospectus and Registration Exemptions.

NCM Team
NCM is made for advice. We’ve been creatively solving the issues facing financial advisors and their clients since 1999.